50 years SAKK in Bern

with Luca Hänni, Baum and Gustav

A week after the “day of care” Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) celebrated 50 years anniversary with an event on Bundesplatz in Bern too. Therefor free concerts of Luca Hänni, Baum and Gustav took place from 6.15 pm on.

The weather was disastrous. It was 20th May and it was only 8°C and the grey rain clouds were looming over Bern. A huge difference to the week before. I did leave the house that morning definitively not dressed warm enough for an openair concert. So I needed loads of coffee and punch to keep warm. Directly after work I went into the capital and arrived around 6.30pm, wondering: “Are you really going there already and listen to Luca Hänni or better not?” Screaming girls, apparently it’s rarely live, and from seeing DSDS and some videos, I didn’t really need this. Well, I still don’t really need it, but I changed my opinion a bit now. Well, it indeed was live, you could hear it from far.

Luca Hänni is quite ok, I’d say now after this performance. His songs and concert weren’t as bad as expected. I was told that he got a new management now (the same as Trauffer e.g.). And that he got a new live band I knew already from facebook – and they can be put in appearance. Guitar player and musical director is Zladko “Slädu” Perica, who played with international stars already. Then there’s Simon Ryf (Plüsch, Dada Ante Portas) playing bass, Christoph Siegenthaler (Stefanie Heinzmann) at the keys and Christoph Berger (Halunke) on the drums. Luca Hänni simply plays popsongs and the most didn’t sound that bad. Not, that it blew me away listening to them the first time, but some songs might be worth to be checked out more closely. After all he’s been with some songwriting giants in Los Angeles (somehow everyone seems to be in LA at the moment, or am I imagining this? Seem sto be totally “in” 😉 ).

The music was so loud, it even did drown the screaming pretty well (ok, where were all the people and esp. teens I’ve been expecting?) and from a save distance you could watch and listen to the concert quite well. Different to before I wouldn’t say now: “Luca Hänni? no way!” but rather “well, he’s ok.” ;). Only I can really do without his fans. When he picked up the towel the girls screamed. Did he pick up the water bottle, they went off the rails. What is going through your mind as a musician in such moments? Don’t you also think this is totally crazy, even they are your fans? I luckily never was like that. 😉 The “pack” gathered around the merch stand after, where Luca did a signing. You didn’t have to look for long to know, where he could be found.

The Basel singer/songwriter Christoph Baumgartner aka Baum, who played with his three member band after, I immediately liked so much better. Wonderful voice and great songs as “Home One Day”, “Sad” or “Damn”. The folky touch is just great. This was really heartwarming and went straight into the legs. Definitively dancable. And a very likable band. Of course, he’s considerably older and got a lot more experience than Luca Hänni 😉 While eating I’ve been listening with half an ear to Baum the previous summer at Gurtenfestival and already found it pretty good, so it was a suitable chance to have a closer listen. So I really recommand them now. Unfortunately there weren’t too many people there.

You couldn’t completley blame the weather though, because when Gustav played the last concert of the evening at 9 pm, the place was even with the rain well crowded. The organizer even gave out quickly some rain covers. Because of Gustave I actually went to Bern. Esp. as I had sadly missed his concert few days before in Steffisburg. The last time I’ve seen him with his solo-programme at La Cappella in Bern, this time he was there with full band. With the Swiss German, German and French songs he and the band brought great atmosphere to the wet Bundesplatz. There was loads to laugh about again and for a moment the coldness and rain totally didn’t matter.

A nice evening and I didn’t freez in vain 😉

Infos about the bands you can find on the official websites:


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