Music Days Steffisburg 2017 – day 2

From 9 to 11 June 2017 the first edition of the Music Days in Steffisburg took place. In the middle of the village square during 3 days 13 bands performed. The purpose of the organizers to revive Steffisburg definitively succeeded. After a great first evening with The Two Romans, Panda Lux and Death By Chocolate it continued on Saturday with the second day.


Jessica Maurer and the best teacher forever

The audience was gathering under the roof as well the trees in the late afternoon looking for shade. Jessica Maurer kicked off the second festival day with her dialect pop. Because I was late, I only got to hear the last song.

She’s been a contestant at the TV show “Die grössten Schweizer Talente” (the biggest Swiss talents), where she reached the semi-final. But because I never watch this show, I didn’t know her.

The first I noticed though: Her guitar player had some fans there. The kids from the music school were standing there in front of the stage all excited, squirrely and super proud with a huge banner saying ‘best teacher forver’. So cute.

“Die vo hie” (The ones from here)

After a short changing break it already continued. Some regional festivals – “Die vo hie” (the ones from here) joined forces and will let play a band at all their festivals in future. This year it’s the Thun trio Infinite Hills.

The trio was announced as something of the best Thun could actually offer. I was curious so.

In the end I couldn’t really do much with this band. The songs, amongst others from the corwdfunding supported EP “Hunter”, didn’t really get me and after few songs I actually had already heard enough. Seemed to sound all very similar. Their spherical indie-pop maybe didn’t suit the atmosphere of the hot, sunny afternoon.

Because they’ll going to play at several events in the area, you can easily go and get your own impression though.

An Appenzell’s singing Bernese

It stayed quieter. But I was looking forward to Marius Bär, who I’ve seen last live in Zermatt. It was the second one that weekend travelling further. More exactly from Appenzell. His band was from Zurich though. Of course they immediately got the first (not too serious meant – ok, at least I hope) boos. Bernese and Zurich people – you know how it is.

Marius convinced with his blues songs and the raspy voice. One of the played songs was “I’m a man”, he had written for a friend’s project. Next to mainly English songs, he played one in Bernese at the end. He had tried before to write songs in Appenzell German, but hadn’t worked out so well. He was a proud Appenzell, but Bernese was just one of the most beautiful dialects. Of course I agree 😉

The next entertainer generation

We had to wait a little longer for the performance of Red Shoes. Obviously something didn’t work like it should. Still they started their “band rehearsal” energetically and in a good mood.

The concerts of the Thun band are rare at the moment and so they even took, like back at the album release party, even a horn section with them. That they played with one of them for the first time and only got to know him shortly before the concert, you barely noticed.

The atmosphere was immediately jolly and cheerful. Front guy Josua knows how he can entertain the audience with songs like “Days Like This”, “Small Town Boy” or “California”. The songs, a mix of pop/rock, folk and country do this partly almost by themselves though.

To help with some confetti canons they took a boy and a girl from the audience on stage. Whilst the girl soon after left the stage again, the boy proofed to be a little entertainer and seemed to love to be standing up there.

As a special guest Halunke front guy Christian Häni joined them for a song. Because the concert already had started with a delay, they went into the encore directly without leaving the stage first. Matching the concert ended with “So long”.

Taking off with Halunke

Bernese Band Halunke ended the second festival day. Zap, and the place was packed. Where did all the people come from?

All “Easy” Halunke started their concert. The audience was dancing with old and new songs into the back. Some even standing on the benches to see better. Halunke also presented some songs from the upcoming album “Superheld” (release 25.08.2017).

‘Wo isch ächt dr summer?’ (Where’s the summer?) Halunke were asking, but definitively didn’t have to go far to find it on this evening. Front guy Häni told stories about astronauts and flying before the band took off to “Level 7”. Great soli topped off the songs and jumps from the platform were repeated just for the photographer.

Because Häni had an appearance with the Red Shoes earlier in the evening, they turned it round of course. Red Shoes  front guy Josua completed the encore with his harmonica.

Even with the newly  discovered “Groupie” (an obviously unknown guy in the audience, look at the video) of background singer and band manager Anja, another super festival day ended. 🙂

more information about the festival you can find on

Info about the bands you can find here: