Seaside Festival 2022 – Summer forever

Festivalsommer 2022

On 26th and 27th August 2022 Seaside Festival is taking place again in Spiez Bay. I’m looking forward being part of one of the most beautiful music festivals this year again. During the two days, 28 acts await us on three stages – the main stage, the Seaside Session stage and the Campfire Stage. These are well-known bands and musicians and those that I see live for the first time. There are also a lot of newcomers ready. I just say “Summer für immer” – summer forever. Let’s go!

It all starts with the view from the train station down into the bay. The view of Lake Thun with the castle is so beautiful. Unfortunately, my “secret path” is blocked. So I have to take a little detour down to the bay. There’s a minibus in a parking lot on the way. The huge portrait of dialect musician Ritschi is on the minibus. Hmm, Ritschi isn’t here today, is he? I can’t think of who he could be a surprise guest at. But maybe he is simply there as a private visitor? But later there is actually the solution. And the realization that the car might not have had anything to do with the guest appearance. thihi

The La Gustav Talents kick off the festival

The site is open from noon. First to explore everything and eat something. Pizza, burgers, ice cream and Roesti, everything is there. My favorite stand, the Mexican, is to the right of the main stage. But wait, the stand with the fresh pasta in the Seaside Village is missing! I’m obviously not the only one who misses it. Meanwhile, Pedestrians are on the main stage doing their sound check, while the talents of La Gustav kick off the first concert of this year’s Seaside Festival on the Campfire Stage.


Since 2018, La Gustav has brought together every year 20 young, talented and up-and-coming musicians aged 18 to 25 from all over Switzerland. Together with professional musicians, clubs and festivals, they are getting prepared for their careers. For example, by giving them background knowledge about the industry and taking part in songwriting camps and recording sessions. The La Gustav association was founded by Pascal Vonlanthen, better known to many as the musician Gustav. One name from the Academy may be well known to you: Gion Tears, who came third in the Eurovision Song Contest for Switzerland in 2021, was a participant in the Academy in 2018.

Of course, first live performances at festivals and in clubs are also part of it, like today at the Seaside Festival. For example, Sacha Diaz is the first to stand on the Campfire Stage this afternoon, singing two of his French songs. A great start to the concert thanks with the beautiful voice and songs. The German language, on the other hand, causes Sacha some trouble. But mentor Gustav encourages him to continue speaking German. For this, Sacha also earns extra sympathy points from the audience.

La Gustav at Seaside Festival 2022

The singers are accompanied by fellow musicians such as Jessica Casella on drums and Helen Ribi on bass. Further appearances by David Kurz on the guitar follows, presenting his song “Stop the clock” among others. The lively Caro Knaack energetically introduces her chill vibes with “Somebody Else’s”. Nina de Leon and Maryy heat up with Latin sounds before I head towards the main stage.

You can find more information about the Academy and the talents here

Here is the complete series of images:
La Gustav at Seaside Festival 2022

Pure festivalfeeling

Just back from their Italian holidays, the Aargauer Pedestrians start the party with their reggae sounds on the main stage. But Pedestrians are much more than just reggae, assures presenter Simon Stalder in advance. With “Breakdown Tuesdays”, “Liquid Sugar” or “Switched off” the quintet around frontman Mike really step on it. There the audience gets sweaty and Mike’s idea of jumping into the lake after the show is well received.

Pedestrians at Seaside Festival 2022

More and more people are arriving at the festival and gathering in front of the huge stage. Skillfully weave their way through the crowd to be at the forefront if possible.

Pedestrians are pure summer and once again spread the total festival feeling at Seaside Festival. Chilled reggae melodies paired with rousing electro beats like in “Superglue” make the audience rock and dance along. True to Stromae’s motto “Alors en danse” that they also include towards the end of their hour-long set. The audience doesn’t need to be asked to sing along twice. How nice it is to celebrate with so many people at the festivals again after two years of the pandemic. Pedestrians are bursting with energy.

After “Play” the band says goodbye. It feels like forever and actually people are already starting to move on when the band returns for an encore. With “Material” they end their concert for good.

By the way, Pedestrians can be seen at a few club shows this fall. Check the dates on

Here is the complete series of images:
Pedestrians at Seasidefestival 2022

The Seaside Session stage

The second set of the La Gustav Talents continues on the Campfire Stage. At the same time, the young St. Galle singer-songwriter Lynn is on the Seaside Session Stage.

From time to time the Seaside Session Stage is also on the mountain Niesen for very special concerts. Perhaps you have already noticed that? Today it stands to the left of the main stage, slightly higher up on the slope, surrounded by trees, under a sun roof. Decoration, fairy lights and deck chairs make the surroundings appear beautifully summery.

Seaside Festival 2022
Seaside Festival 2022

Unfortunately, the Seaside Session stage comes short for me. The concerts take place at the same time as the Campfire Stage. And sometimes I just need a break between the concerts. When passing by, I listen to 1-2 songs from Lynn. She sings the Andreas Bourani cover “Auf uns”. On the road as a solo artist since 2019, she released her last single “Mann im Mond” in March.

Lynn Seaside Festival 2022

In addition to Asendorf (an indie artist from Winterthur), Lagioia (soul singer from Zurich) and Sivilian (musician from Zurich), Lisa Oribasi from Friborg would also be there that evening. You’ve probably already heard the Coop Christmas song “Memories”, which was released four years ago. Lisa Oribasi also co-wrote the Pegasus duet with Anna Rosinelli, “Victoria Line”.

Information about the Seaside Sessions can be found at
More information about the artist here:

PS: Steff La Cheffe is also there

Back on the main stage, we continue with Stefanie Peters, better known as Steff La Cheff. The President of Swiss Hip Hop, as she is announced, begins calmly on a drum surrounded by her band.

Steff La Cheffe Seaside Festival 2022

The girl from Breitsch released their latest album PS in May. Actually it wasn’t planned. It is more of an addendum to the forerunner “Härz Schritt Macherin”. But what is definitely planned is the 2nd season of her “Carte Blanche” music talk round, where she welcomes various musical guests at La Cappella in Bern.

But for now, Steff La Cheffe is still on the main stage of the Seaside Festival. She explains to the drummer in connection with the song “Gschleipf” how to practice appropriate reactions with the audience. “Holunder”, “Fluss”, “Einsch” and of course “Ha kei Ahnig” are part of the setlist too. Of course, the latest single “Schampar schad” shouldn’t be missing either.

When Steff La Cheffe kicks off her own song version of “Patina” about halfway through the set, the scales fall from my eyes. Of course! Ritschi is guest of Steff La Cheffe. After all, they were both part of the first Sing mein Song Schweiz season in 2020. That’s where the new version of Ritschi’s “Patina” was created. But as quickly as Ritschi was on stage, he was gone again.

Steff La Cheffe Seaside Festival 2022
Steff La Cheffe & Ritschi at Seaside Festival 2022

PS: I read that Steff La Cheffe will take a break in 2023. So you better go see her this year. A few concerts are still to come. On you can find the dates.

Here is the complete series of images:
Steff La Cheffe at Seaside Festival 2022

Steff La Cheffe Seaside Festival 2022

Reggae and fiery dancehall from the Netherlands

In collaboration with the Bernese urban reggae band Open Season, Samora already left a lasting impression on the “Female Reggae Voices” tour (redad here) in 2018 So I’m happy to finally see them live again today on the Campfire Stage. During the pandemic lockdown in early 2021, I already told you more about Samora here on the blog in the“Lockdown Artist Discovery Serie” Just take a look at the post.

Samora Seaside Festival 2022
Samora Seaside Festival 2022

If it’s not already hot because of the camping fire, the Suriname-Dutch woman is guaranteed to heat things up properly. Samora’s performances, supported by her band, are again energetic and fresh today.

Only in June Samora has released her album “Chameleon”. With reggae tunes, peppered with fiery dancehall and afrobeats, their songs are rousing and enthusiastic. Her happiness is contagious. Since she was 18 Reggae Samora’s is everything. She makes that clear in the song “Reggae Im in Love”. Samora also presents songs like “My Way”, “Precious” or “Let Them Go”.

Samora Seaside Festival 2022

You can see Samora this autumn on 21ST October 2022 at the Herbstigal in Gunten. All other dates and information can be found on

Here is the complete photo series: Samora at the Seaside Festival 2022

Summer forever

Finally standing in the photo pit again wrapped in the cape. It’s not raining, it’s pouring. It keeps dripping from the stage roof over my head and down my neck. I feel the water running down my back uncomfortably. The seven members of the Bernese rap collective Chlyklass are on stage. While I’m trying to snap a few photos despite the rain, I hear them rapping: “… far and wide no cloud in the sky…” Something in between and “…it’s summer forever…” -I have to pause for a moment. I think I just misheard?!? haha

Chlyklass Seaside Festival 2022
Chlyklass Seaside Festival 2022

Yes, it won’t stay “Summer forever”, but while most of the audience turn into white dwarfs with “Mischtwetter” emblazoned on their backs, Chlyklass provide a summer feeling despite the downpour. There is a great atmosphere in the audience. By the way, “Summer für immer ” (summer forever) is one of their biggest hits. Chlyklass, the Bernese rap supergroup, consists of Root 5, PVP, Baze and Greis. They founded the group over 20 years ago.

A huge monster burger is emblazoned in the background of the stage. This adorns the cover of their latest album “Dietige Nord”. With their third album “Dietige Nord”, in 2020 Chlyklass have been back for the first time in five years. It pays homage to the Deitingen-Nord service area, where Chlyklass stop after every concert on their way home in the east of Bern. The album contains the song of the same name “Dietige Nord”. Also “Nümm normau” or “Frag mi nid”. It’s an album nobody expected. Though the MTV Music Award winners (2016, best Swiss act) have never been in a particular hurry with new releases. And all the more they are visibly celebrated by the fans.

The audience is pretty weatherproof and text-safe. This is why Chlyklass make sure the more that their one-hour set at this year’s Seaside Festival is a proper celebration. But still good, you can warm up and let it dry during Samora’s second set at the Campfire Stage.

You can find more about on

Here is the complete series of images:
Chlyklass at Seaside Festival 2022

Jeremy Loops & the rainbow

With “It’s all good” from his new third album “Heard you got love” Jeremy Loops next enters the main stage with full power. I’m really excited about him and his songs. Heard a lot of good things about him but never seen him live.

Jeremy Loops Seaside Festival 2022

What can I say: I am absolutely thrilled from the first moment. The musician brings with him an infectious happiness, positive charisma and more energy than almost anyone else. The positive vibes are totally contagious and intoxicating. Unlike probably most, the musician from South Africa is happy about the rain. Did you also know that he has Swiss roots? His mother is from Switzerland. However, he does not seem to speak Swiss German (yet).

With songs like “Freak” or his very own “Happy Birthday”, Jeremy Loops grabs the audience immediately. He races across the stage like a rubber ball. Sometimes he plays the guitar. Sometiems he pulls out the harmonica. Saxophonist Jamie Faull in a brightly colored shirt and bassist Mr. Sakitumi, with a big grin on his face, support him at the front. The appearance of rapper Motheo Moleko comes unexpectedly and pushes a even more. Especially with the additional pyros during the show, an extra portion of enthusiasm is ignited.

That’s why they get a shot, accompanied by The Champs “Tequila”. Whethere we don’t know the song? But of course you know it in Switzerland too. The audience hums and sings along immediately.

Jeremy Loops released his debut album “Trading Change” in 2015. Since “Better Together”, which was created in collaboration with Ed Sheeran & star producer Steve Mac, Jeremy Loops has also been touring internationally. “Better together” is also clearly voted for when he presents it to the audience next to “Gold”. With “This Town” Jeremy Loops also brings some typical melodies and rhythms of his homeland. Even the sky is happy about it and gives Jeremy Loops a rainbow. The Dirty Dancing film hit “(I’ve had) The time of my life”, which he immediately intones, fits the mood perfectly.

Seaside Festival 2022

So there is actually no other way than to be at this shows on 21 September 2022 in Zurich or in Lausanne the following day. It is definitely recommended!

Information and further dates can be found on

Here is the complete series of images:
Jeremy Loops at Seaside Festival 2022

Throwing a party with George Ezra

George Ezra is prepared. Packed in a rain jacket (so British hehe), guitar under his arm, the British starts with the beautiful and rousing “Anyone For You (Tiger Lily)”. He released his new third album “Gold Rush Kid” in June and now brings us a nice mix of all his three albums. The stirring melodies are great again. The typical George Ezra optimism is not missing either.

George Ezra Seaside Festival 2022

Admittedly, I would have preferred today’s concert to take place under the blazing sun and a steel-blue sky. Just like I saw him live for the first time back in 2015. Or how beautiful it was in 2018 with this magnificent sunset in Murten?! I would then sing along much louder “… green green grass blue blue sky, you better throw a party on the day that I die…”. George Ezra wrote the song after a street party in St. Lucia that later turned out to be a funeral.

But when the sun isn’t warming, then George’s folky-bluesy pop music and warm, deep characteristic voice will. Luckily we’re not dying today, but we’re definitely going to melt away a bit. And celebrating today’s Seaside Festival Party with him even more. Especially with songs like the album title “Gold Rush Kid”, the slightly older “Doesn’t Matter Now”, “Paradies” or my absolute favorite “Pretty Shining People” you just have to move. Some would call it dancing.

In between, of course, he is especially celebrated for his hits like “Budapest” or “Barcelona”. People like to indulge in beautiful ballads like “Hold my girl”. Already after 4th or 5th song I realize that it’s not raining anymore. George Ezra needs a little longer. Shortly before the end of the concert, he suddenly says he’s totally forgotten his rain jacket. He slips out of her. Underneath, the Gold Rush Kid denim jacket emerges. So George Ezra lets the audience cheer to “Shotgun” at the end.

George Ezra Seaside Festival 2022

By the way, on 2th February 2022, George Ezra is coming to the Hallenstadion in Zurich with his “Gold Rush Kid” tour. Tickets are still available Ticketcorner. You can find more information and dates about the British musician at

Dan Mudd plays us the blues

Before Lo & Leduc close the first day of the festival, singer, guitarist, author and composer Daniel Giggli aka Dan Mudd plays the blues for us on the Campfire Stage. But he also loves funk, rock and soul.

You may have met Dann Mudd busking somewhere. Together with Dominik Liechti, who accompanies him on the percussion, I have already met him in Bälliz Thun. In 2020 he released his album “Big Gun”. In the past, he has not only been able to work with many renowned blues artists and producers through album production.

The musician is not particularly talkative. Dominik apologizes for the lack of communication with the language barrier. Dan prefers to let the music speak for him and plays well-known Italian songs to delight the audience.

Information about Dan Mudd can be found at

Celebrating Kuno’s life with Lo & Leduc

For the last concert of the first Seaside Festival day, Leduc limps onto the stage on a crutch. What happened there? It’s a soccer rifle and that happens, if you think at 30 that you still have to play soccer. Around the third song, however, Leduc puts the crutch down. He even politely declines the offered stool. So things can’t be (any longer) that bad for him.

Lo & Leduc Seaside Festival 2022

Well, the leg injury certainly doesn’t stop him from glossing over words. Whereby it is Lo who spontaneously puts words together with his freestyle. It is late, the starry sky is now sparkling above us. Lo assure, for us he likes to go to bed late all his life . He’s collecting words for his spontaneous rhymes from the audience. Mutschlimu, Stinkesocke, Prosecco, Doner and Kuno. Kuno? No, names are not possible. Especially not when they belong to well-known musicians… But when it turns out that the name Kuno belongs to the 10-hour-old son of the suggestor, Lo makes an exception. Life needs to be celebrated! What a tribute to the little man.

In my opinion, Lo & Leduc are one of those bands that really make the festival summer into a festival summer – preferably with a full band. At least at one festival you (well, or at least I) have to see them. Thanks to the Seaside Festival this works out in 2022

Lo & Leduc are successfully touring the country with their band and their latest album “Mercato”. But they have also had performances in neighboring countries and are even played on the radio there.

Today we visit the “Cubabar” with Lo & Leduc and drive through the city with them in the “Taxi Taxi”. Do we turn three times around the “Chileli vo Wasse” or ask ourselves where did we put it (“Häreta”)? Their hits “079” and “Jung verdammt” are also included. But honestly, if the hits were left out, you might not even notice it. The setlist is varied and the songs are so much fun. The transitions are sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes also political, and in any case often quite sophisticated. In addition, Lo & Leduc keep coming up with new song versions. When singer Julia comes up the edge of the stage, I’m actually already expecting their song “Pluto”. Instead we play “cops and robbers (“Räuber & Polli”) in a sea of lights. So unexpected and beautiful!

Lo & Leduc are also on a club tour this autumn. You can find their tour dates on

Here is the complete series of images:
Lo & Leduc at Seaside Festival 2022

At the end of the day off to the Dockbar

What a great first day of the Seaside Festival with lots of great and beautiful moments. With the freaky weather, we experienced all possible festival scenarios in one day. My personal highlights were the great songs and mega energy from Jeremy Loops, George Ezra’s varied and positive concert, Samora’s fiery show and the end of the day with Lo & Leduc. Especially the new “Räuber & Poli” version. Chlyklass definitely stick in my mind with their Summer Forever moment. But I would also look back at all the other shows I’ve seen. A day when you definitely want summer forever.

Seaside Fetival 2022

Who still hasn’t had enough of the day after the last concert, just keeps celebrating at Dockbar. But I need a break first and am looking forward to the second day of the Seaside Festival.

All information about the Seaside Festival can be found