Swissmilk Day 2016

Slowely the clouds disappeared, more blue could be seein in the sky until the burning sun finally made everyone almos sweat a little. Sunburn alarm! But yes, finally some sunn and warmth again was so good. Shortly after my arrival I was still freezing, the wind was pretty much annoying, but Bastian Baker was standing in the small tent only in t-shirt, with hat (bad hair day? 😉 ) and was doing a signing. Well, not freezing as quickly as I do. Thihi. It was Swissmilk day again, one of my favourite events of the year. This year it took place at Place du Port in Neuchâtel, diretly at the lake.

By Swissmilk organised “day of milk” takes place anually. Single eents take place all over Switzerland, but the biggest party is happening in chosen, mostly bigger city. Last year in St. Gallen with Carrousel and Lo & Leduc, I have been in Lausanne for Pegasus and this year in Neuchâtel. Next to many sporty activities as skateboarding with snowboard freestyler Pat Burgener and Jan Scherrer or Ping pong, that the kids could test, there were free milkshakes, fronzen yoghurt or even Crêpes. The big winner announcement of the earlier school creating competition of course also took place in the early afternoon, as well as next to the singing, a concert of Bastian Baker.

Yes, the even did grow over the years. Back then 4 years ago, when Bastian Baker played at the Swissmilk day for the first time, there wasn’t only less audience at the signing and concert, Bastian’s band was also smaller. And so the people were standing in front of the stage, milkshakes in their hands and let the sun shine into their faces, enjoying the day. The atmosphere was good and the mind balanced. Already during soundcheck the party vibes came up. [Almost didn’t recognice background singer Priscilla with her fair hair… haha.] The bubbles dancing over our heads during the concert, suited perfectly. Just a really good day!

Bastian and the band played the known “Facing Canyons” toursetlist, only shorten to festival lenght. The one hour concert started with “We Are The Ones” from the actually album. First the band appeared, then Bastian followed. They played his hit “Lucky”, “Tomorrow May Not Be Better” or also “Follow The Wind” followed. It’s when Bastian let the audience sing along during “I Want You”, he showed his dances and jumped into the audience in the middle of the song, like he did during the past clubtour. You can imagine the screaming of the teens. A little bit dancing with the girls, chatting, taking photos and selfies and then he was back on stage again. The Band played a energetic setlist, “Colorful Hospital”, “Never In Your Town” or “10’000 Years” were part of, but also ballades like “Planned It All”, Bastian was sitting on stage on his own playing the keyboard. “Kids Off The Streets” gives me chills even with over 20°C. My favourite “Tattoo On My Brain” wasn’t missing either of course and for the final the audience was jumping along to “79 Clinton Street”. How the audience and of course fan know by know, when to clap along and what are the “choreographies” of the single songs – every time it’s so much fun. And yes, the band clearly had fun too.

Actually BAstian and the band have said goodbye and been gone already, micro and equipment was turned off. But still Bastian played one last encore at the endge of the stage. I had to leave and was almost gone already, when he grapped his accoustic guitare, let the audience move closer and started with them the Oasis cover “Wonderwall”. The last tunes followed me out of the area…

In case you want to take part at the Swiss milk day too, best you have a look at at the beginning of next April. And sure I’ll informe you as soon as I know more. Infos an concert dates of Bastian Baker you can find on From June on he’ll be on Swiss festival tour as well.

more pictures in Gallery
Youtube-Playlist here