
Swissmilk Day 2016

Slowely the clouds disappeared, more blue could be seein in the sky until the burning sun finally made everyone almos sweat a little. Sunburn alarm! But yes, finally some sunn and warmth again was so […]


Pegasus tourfinal in Bern

13.02.2015 – I was so curious on the 2nd tour final concert of Pegasus. If they could top the previous day in Zurich? It just wasn’t exactly the same, but an evening full of emotion and […]


Luca Little & Zibbz on tour

When Luca Little & Zibbz go on double concert tour, we simply go with them! hehe. Well, at least as often as possible. And to be part of an (almost) whole tour, is super fun, […]


Pegasus at Kaufleuten Zurich

12.02.2015 – I did prepare to stand in the very back and nevously hurried through the Bahnhofstrasse direction Kaufleuten. Well, I luckily didn’t have to queue for long. Only 2-3 people were standing in front […]